Saturday, November 24, 2007


16.5 mb | RS.COM

Not only does ABCpdf support PDF and HTML but now it also supports a wide range of other document formats. Formats like Microsoft Word (.doc), Microsoft Excel (.xls), Rich Text Format (.rtf), WordPerfect (.wpd), Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk1) and AutoCAD (.dxf). All you need to do is read them in! * (.NET only) Or KiloPageT large document support brings great optimizations to the HTML rendering process for large documents. Our standard test case rendered eight times faster under ABCpdf 6 than it did under Version 5! Properties like DoMarkup allow you to increase this speed still further. There are new HTML features too. We now support parameter driven Flash movies so that you can add HTML which passes variables to your movie. If you've been trying to get your Flash charts into PDF this is what you need. ABCpdf now supports MHT (MIME HTML) archives. So you can build PDF documents out of web pages saved in MHT format. (.NET only). New parameters like the MaxAtomicImageSize provide more control over the HTML rendering process.
ABCpdf is now PostScript-compatible. This means you can import raster or vector PostScript (PS) or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files directly into your PDF documents. It means you can take your PDF documents and render them into PS or EPS format.


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