Monday, November 5, 2007

Mr Driller

Mr. Driller
It's quirky, cute, and oh-so-Japanese, but that's about it.
Mr. Driller's premise is amazingly simple. For some unknown reason, blocks have begun to burst out from underground, and only the poster boy for all things pastel, Mr. Driller, can save the day. Mr. Driller literally lives up to his name; armed with his trusty two-handed drill, he deftly scrambles from self-created gap to gap in an effort to quell the rising tide of blocky doom. Drilling out the blocks that support a block, be it large or small, will cause it to fall until an edge is caught on another block. Problem is, that edge might be the bottom edge, and if Mr. Driller is underneath it when the block hits, you can kiss one of your lives good-bye.


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