Saturday, November 17, 2007

Restaurant Empire

Restaurant Empire iSO

Enlight has cooked up a new management game which gives you the job of designing, building and managing your own restaurant. It doesn't sound that exciting does it? Well you may be surprised to discover that Restaurant Empire is actually an addictive treat which gives other recent simulation titles a run for their money. One of the great things about Restaurant Empire is the variety that there is to offer. Not only can you decorate your restaurant using 100s of interior items, floor patterns and wall coverings - with this game you can always go one step further. For example when you've chosen where to place the light fittings in your restaurant, choose how intense the brightness is on each one and the radius of the light. Don't think of this as tedious micro-management. This is simply a bonus option. Restaurant Empire differs from other management games because people don't just arrive on their own. You will see couples going in to the restaurant. People will interact with each other, from doing a celebratory toast to simply having a chat.


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